Saturday, July 24, 2010

Light of Asia

Speech given by Adit:

Birth of Buddha:

Siddartha / Gautama was born around 566 B.C. in Himalayan Foothills to Queen Maya and KingSuddodhana.


King wanted him to be an emperor of this world. He decided to protect him from possibilities of spiritual path. He provided all luxuries to his son, inside the 4 walls.

The Four Signs that changed Siddartha:

1. Old man with white hair, withered skin, staff to lean.

2. Maimed man (distorted).

3. Funeral procession & corpse.

4. A monk in yellow robes, shaven head, empty bowl.

His chariot explained the meaning of each sign. His chariot’s name was Channa.

4 Noble Truths:

1. The truth of suffering

2. The truth of cause of suffering

3. The truth of cessation of suffering (suffering can end)

4. The truth of path that leads to nirvana

8 Eightfold Path:

· Right understanding

· Right thought

· Right speech

· Right action

· Right livelihood

· Right effort

· Right mindfulness

· Right concentration

If anyone sees ‘NIRVANA’ in his life time, he won’t reborn.

Five Hindrances:

· Doubt

· Lust

· Hatred

· Worry

· Languor

Definition of Karma: Karma à means action. Every time a person acts there is some quality of intention at the base of the mind and it is that quality rather than the outward appearance of the action.

Buddha’s Ethics:

What makes a person a Buddhist?

· Do not destroy life

· Do not steal

· Do not commit sexual misconduct

· Do not lie

· Do not take intoxicating drinks

There are some similarities between Buddha’s Ethics and Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments:

· Do not have any other Gods before me

· Do not make unto thee any carved image

· Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

· Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

· Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lordyour God is giving you.

· Do not kill

· Do not commit adultery

· Do not steal

· Do not bear false witness against a neighbor

· Do not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

Holy Book:

Holy Book of Buddhism is ‘TRIPITAKA’. It was written by Buddha Ghosa in Pali

Famous Mantra:

OM MANI PADME HUM – Jewel in the Lotus

If you take refuge in 3 Jewels:

· The Buddha

· The Dharma

· The Sangha

The chant:

Buddham saranam Gachami

Dharmam saranam Gachami

Sangham saranam Gachami

Meaning is:

I go to Buddha for refuge.

I go to Dharma for refuge.

I go to Sangha for refuge.

Dalai Lama, the Spiritual Leader of Buddhism:

Dalai Lama is said to be incarnation of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig

Dalai Lama is spiritual leader of Tibetan people. Dalai means Ocean (Spirituality as deep as ocean); Lama means Guru (Teacher)

Three Vehicles: There are 3 ways in following Buddhism.

Theravada (conservative)

Mahayana (liberal)

Vajrayana (subset of Mahayana)

Spread of Buddhism:

Many Eastern countries in Asia are following Buddhism. China, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Tibet, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Bhutan, Vietnam etc.


World should follow some of His great sayings.

Written by: Adit
July 2010, Minneapolis MN